Of all the questions we are asked in the office by those new to river rafting , the one most asked is "What should I wear?" It is a fair question and the answer is difficult to pare down to just a few short sentences. Rafting in the state of Washington is decidedly different than rafting in many other regions because our rivers are fresh from the alpine lake elevations of the Cascade mountain range. This means Washington rivers do not flow lazily for miles and miles warming up in the sun before spilling white over rocks and drops on your favorite white water rafting stretch. This means Washington rivers like the incredibly beautiful, yet challenging, Wild & Scenic Sauk River tumbles out of the Glacier Peak Wilderness area borne from one of several glaciers. It means the white water we play in was Cascade snow pack only a half-dozen hours earlier. Washington rivers are notably cold. Washingtonians can be relatively impervious to the biting chill of their loc...
Washington white water news, opinions, thoughts and anecdotes.