Rivers are not static entities. They change their courses. Occasionally, their courses are changed for them. These changes may be subtle, dramatic or incremental. River rafter s need to take heed of this. Rivers that are young geologically, like the Sauk and Suiattle Rivers near Darrington , Washington, can be altered significantly from one season to the next. Rivers such as the Wenatchee and the Methow tend to change at a slower pace. Landowners on the Suiattle, may have riverfront one year, an island the next and a riverbed the year thereafter. Three years later, their riverfront property may be the opposite bank from which they started. A while back a magnificent and powerful winter storm sluiced a hundred thousand cubic feet of roiling water down the Sauk River valley and wiped away log jams and recreated channels that had been there for decades. The negative effects of that flood, which silted in many of the r...
Washington white water news, opinions, thoughts and anecdotes.