“The Selway, between Double Drop Rapids and Ladle Rapids, has averaged one drowning per year, over the past 8 years.” the veteran Selway River guide intoned. “Don’t take it lightly.” As if we needed additional angst prior to boating one of the most difficult rivers to get a permit for in the country and one of the most remote rivers to navigate. Our long drive to the put-in carried us deep into the forested Idaho wilderness. It was springtime. The weather was gorgeous. The skies were the kind of blue poets wax over and writers fawn on and on about struggling to come up with an original description. The river itself was flowing at an optimal level for a party that had never seen any of its whitewater. It’s not that we weren’t loaded with experience, we were. Just not loaded with experience on the Selway. Our group consisted of a paddle raft, a cataraft, two kayakers and a bevy of oar boats. What we discovered at ...
Washington white water news, opinions, thoughts and anecdotes.