I have been rafting for a long time. My first rafting experience was in the fall of my first year in college. As a matter of fact, after matriculation, it was the very next thing I did. The river rafting trip, regarded as my wilderness orientation to Prescott College, was a month long affair. One month in the wilderness after having spent the majority of my life in well-ordered suburbs where my primary contact with the outdoors involved sports. You can imagine it was an eye-opener in a number of ways. My wilderness orientation, which took place over four decades ago, brought me serendipitously to this place. Overnight raft trips are the single easiest method to 'leave it all behind.' The 'behind' we referred to leaving used to just mean the traffic and the stressors of modern day life, ringing phones, the hustle and bustle of humanity and bills coming due, responsibilities to uphold. Now, we are saddled with the ubiquity of always being connected to what ...
Washington white water news, opinions, thoughts and anecdotes.